Strona: BIM technology in the design and construction investments / Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture

BIM technology in the design and construction investments

Purpose of education. The main goal of the studies is to prepare students to work in companies and institutions using BIM technology to:

  • architectural design, construction and installation,

  • managing the process of designing and implementing construction investments,

  • preparation of tender documentation and cost estimation,

  • building facilities management.

A graduate who completes the studies will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to properly define the requirements of the client, plan the flow of information in the design and implementation of the investment, carry out the modelling process (3D, parametric, based on a point cloud, installations), teamwork and inter-industry cooperation, collision detection, dimensioning and detailing of structures, preparation of drawing documentation and lists, billing and costing (5D), development of schedules (4D), energy and environmental analyses (6D), use of models in the facility management process (7D). He will also acquire social competences related to the creation and maintenance of appropriate relationships in the professional environment and private life.

Areas and learning outcomes.

Graduates who complete their studies will know and understand:

  • advanced and in-depth theoretical foundations of modern methods, standards and technologies related to modelling and information management in construction processes in connection with various areas of professional activity (architectural, construction, installation, construction management),

  • contemporary standards and development trends of professional activity in construction,

  • basic rules for the protection of industrial property and copyright in the process of designing and implementing construction investments,

  • advanced theories explaining the phenomena and processes related to integrated design and team work,

  • various, complex methods and technologies of 3D scanning, modelling techniques and dimensioning of structures and installations,

  • various, complex organizational solutions supporting the process of project, construction and building facilities management.

They will also be able to:

  • independently plan one's own lifelong learning and direct others in this regard,

  • monitor the development of BIM technology and its domestic and foreign conditions,

  • make a diagnosis of the conducted professional activity (investor, designer, contractor, building administrator) and forecast its development,

  • perform tasks and formulate and solve problems, using new knowledge, also from other fields,

  • prepare a work plan for a team of employees, taking into account variable, not fully predictable conditions, and correct the plan according to the circumstances,

  • perform complex tasks related to the process of designing and implementing investments in variable and not fully predictable conditions (by appropriate selection of sources and information derived from them and the use of appropriate methods and tools, including advanced information and communication techniques (ICT),

  • manage a team of employees or a small organization that carries out complex design and executive tasks in variable and not fully predictable conditions,

  • analyse and evaluate the conducted professional activity in the context of national conditions and development trends,

  • design information flow in a team of employees or a small organization,

  • communicate using specialized terminology, justify your position,

  • create and maintain proper relationships with colleagues and clients,

  • adapt or modify simple methods, technologies and procedures in the conducted professional activity,

  • analyse and evaluate your professional competences and independently use the available opportunities to update and expand your professional competences.

He will be also ready to:

  • understanding non-technical aspects and effects of engineering activities, including its impact on the environment, and the related responsibility for decisions made,

  • independent decision making, critical evaluation of own activities, the teams he manages and the organizations in which he participates; accepting responsibility for the effects of these actions,

  • compliance with the rules applicable at work, relating to maintaining the quality of business and the culture of cooperation and competition,

  • maintaining and creating appropriate relationships in the professional environment,

  • promoting ethical principles in the field of professional activity and beyond.

Addressees of studies.

The offer of postgraduate studies "BIM technology in the design and implementation of construction investments" is addressed to architects, structural and installation designers, cost estimators, contractors, developers, public administration employees and administrators of building facilities.

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