Strona: Mission / Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture



Education -- Research -- Innovation

The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture was established in 1966 and since then has been carrying out educational and research tasks as part of the Ignacy Łukasiewicz Rzeszów University of Technology. The education is conducted in accordance with the Bologna Strategy and guidelines of the National Qualifications Framework (in Polish: Krajowe Ramy Kwalifikacji). Working closely with representatives of industry, local government and business, the Faculty makes every effort to continuously improve education programs so that they prepare graduates for rapid professional activity and implementation of their acquired skills and knowledge in social and economic life both in Poland and abroad. In addition, the educational process aims to educate students in the spirit of respect for human rights, patriotism, social conscience, respect for the state and its citizens, tolerance, responsibility and honesty of performing their duties, including respect for the intellectual property rights. The development of a student and an academic teacher requires an international mobility. The Faculty educates the students in frame of universal education programs designed in a way that allows incoming and outgoing students to continue their studies in different countries and at different educational levels. Faculty staff cooperates with scientific and industrial institutions from abroad, which creates the basis for both personal mobility as well as information exchange and modern science.


The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture of Rzeszów University of Technology conducts research in the field of basic research and applied sciences in the field of technical sciences and specialities included in the following scientific disciplines: architecture and urban planning, civil engineering and environmental engineering. The result of this research is the extension of scientific knowledge, employee development as well as new and innovative projects, technologies and products. The Faculty educates graduates by implementing curricula ensuring academic technical education, which allows the graduates to perform the professions of an architect and urban planner, a civil engineer, as well as environmental engineer. The curricula are built on the basis of theoretical knowledge, they also use the results of scientific research conducted at the Faculty. Studies in the fields of architecture and urban planning, civil engineering as well as environmental engineering and facilitate the development of individual traits and predispositions of students, enable the acquisition of appropriate qualifications to obtain the right to hold independent professional positions. The Faculty stays in touch with graduates who, based on their professional experience, point to both the directions of scientific research expected by the industry and the desired modifications of educational programs and directions in accordance with the current demand of the industry and the labour market.


The education process should be constantly improved and adapted to new conditions and social needs. Quality of education should be raised and expanded in a flexible way, taking into account the needs of the labour market and the economy. The educational process should be always at the highest possible level and not only meet European standards, but enable the participation in creating the space of higher education in the European Union.

In the academic year 2012/13, the Faculty offers four courses: architecture and urban planning (1st and 2nd degree, full-time), civil engineering (1st and 2nd degree, full-time and part-time), environmental engineering (1st and 2nd degree, full-time and part-time) ), environmental protection (1str degree, full-time). Since the academic year 2013/14, doctoral studies in the field of civil engineering will be launched. Analysis of the labour market indicates that the currently pursued fields of study will enjoy candidates’ interest provided that curricula are constantly adapted to the needs of the labour market. The Faculty has implemented Quality Assurance System which allows this reaction. All these trends are assessed as crucial for the knowledge-based economy. It is not advisable to launch new courses in the perspective of 2013-2016, only small modifications of the specializations are necessary. However, in the case of the the labour market request and meeting the appropriate staffing minima, it will be possible to start education in the fields of landscape architecture, spatial management, geodesy and cartography.

The incoming period of population decline can cause lack of interest in part-time studies and less interest in full-time studies as well. The gap will be replaced by postgraduate studies and courses whose subject will depend on the current demand. This offer will also be directed to people with industry experience (eg. 50+), which will enable them to function in a dynamically changing economy.

Globalization, including the education market and the promotion of student mobility, makes it necessary to provide education in English. Agreements signed either by the University of by local self-government enable the acquisition of students from abroad, which is why the offer for foreighn students will be prepared. The principles of internationalization of studies determine the necessity of their accreditation by an external (foreign) certification body.
The development of information systems and information technologies facilitates the functionality of knowledge transfer. The faculty will become part of the e-learning systems built at the university.

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