W dniu 17 maja br. o godzinie 12.15 w sali P-2 rozpocznie się wykład prof. Marco DI LUDOVICO (University of Naples Federico II) zatytułowany Composites for structural strengthening of existing constructions: basis of design and experimental validation.
Zagadnienia omawiane podczas wykładu to m.in. innovative materials (fiber reinforced polymer composites, high performance steel, high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites), reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete members strengthened by using innovative materials (flexure, shear, axial load and flexure), criteria for the design of seismic upgrade of constructions, experimental validation of composites systems through experimental programs on full scale sub-assemblies or structures, next Generation of composites in construction.
Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych pracowników i studentów Wydziału.